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Abortion affects everyone differently.

While some report that they don't struggle with their choice, many women and men still struggle with their decision to abort, even years or decades after the event.

If you're hurting from an abortion, you are not alone. There is hope, help and healing for you!

Thrive Medical Clinic provides post-abortion support and a safe place to share your experience and help you get started in your healing process.


“The staff here is amazing! Thank you, ladies for providing a safe place to go and not have to pretend to be o.k. Thank you for lending a loving attitude, a gracious smile, and an uplifting hug. You ladies are amazing, and I thank you!”

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Support After Abortion

If you're not quite ready to share your experience in-person, you can speak to someone anonymously via email, text or phone call through the amazing organization, Support After Abortion. They are there to help you begin your healing process, at whatever pace you’re comfortable and provide post-abortion support to both women and men, by people who’ve been through abortions themselves.